Monday, May 20, 2024

Eye Makeup After LASIK

Undergoing LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision is a transformative experience, offering you the clarity of vision you’ve longed for. However, post-surgery care is crucial, especially when it comes to eye makeup. After your LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision, you won’t need glasses for clear visual perception; however, it’s important to understand the right time and techniques to safely reintroduce cosmetics to prevent any complications. To find out if you are a candidate for LASIK and learn more about wearing eye makeup after LASIK, schedule your consultation with Tersigni Vision today. Our team is here to answer your questions and guide you through every step of your LASIK journey.

When can you wear eye makeup after LASIK?

You should wait at least one week after your LASIK surgery before wearing eye makeup like mascara, eye liner, or eyeshadow. Leading up to the surgery, it’s crucial to avoid makeup for at least 24 hours to ensure a clean and safe procedure. Post-LASIK, you should avoid using eye makeup for about a week to facilitate optimal healing and prevent any potential complications. It’s important to let any crusting around the eye area heal completely and to apply makeup gently to avoid pressure on the eyes. After this period, while you can start wearing makeup again, it’s advisable to use products that are less likely to irritate your eyes. When you start wearing makeup again after LASIK, be particularly cautious about applying any products on the waterline, as this sensitive area is more prone to irritation. Always monitor for any signs of discomfort or changes in vision, and consult with your doctor if any issues arise. While the general guideline is to wait a week before wearing eye makeup, the exact timing can depend on individual healing progress and the advice of Dr. Tersigni, your LASIK surgeon.

What kind of makeup can you wear after LASIK?

After LASIK surgery, you can wear makeup that is not applied on or near the eyes like foundation, concealer, blush, and contour as early as the day following your procedure, provided they are applied carefully and kept away from the eye area. When applying lotion to your face after LASIK, be sure to avoid the eye area to prevent any interference with the healing process. The sensitive nature of your eyes post-surgery means that it’s crucial to avoid any makeup close to them during the initial healing period. Specifically, it is recommended to wait about 7 days before applying eye makeup such as mascara, eyeliner, or eyeshadow to allow your eyes to heal adequately. While makeup like foundation, concealer, and lipstick can be worn, it’s important to ensure that these products do not come into contact with your eyes to minimize the risk of irritation and allow a smooth recovery process.

How do you remove eye makeup after LASIK?

To remove eye makeup after LASIK surgery, it is important to be very gentle and take your time to avoid irritation and potential complications during the healing process. Using a soft, downward motion instead of rubbing side to side can help minimize pressure on the eyes and reduce the risk of damaging the surgical area. It’s recommended to choose eye makeup products that are easy to remove to prevent the need for excessive rubbing or harsh cleaners. It’s important to avoid using aggressive force or harsh makeup removers and soaps, as these can irritate the sensitive eye area in the critical weeks following your surgery. Taking extra care during makeup removal is a small but significant step in ensuring a smooth recovery after your LASIK procedure at Tersigni Vision.

Why does the surgeon tell you not to wear makeup after LASIK?

Surgeons advise against wearing makeup after LASIK surgery to prevent infection and ensure proper healing of the eyes. The LASIK procedure uses a precise laser to correct vision, so post-operative care, including makeup application, must be approached with caution to protect your eyes. In the initial week post-surgery, the risk of introducing bacteria to the eyes is particularly high, and makeup, along with its applicators, can be a breeding ground for these harmful microorganisms. Even with meticulous application, the chance of accidentally contaminating the eye area and hindering the healing process is significant. Your cornea will have just been reshaped during LASIK, and it requires an uncontaminated environment to heal optimally. Post-operative care primarily involves using prescribed anti-bacterial drops, and introducing makeup into the routine too soon can compromise the sterile conditions needed for recovery. Research indicates that opened makeup products often harbor bacteria, which also poses an infection risk to the healing eyes. Therefore, abstaining from eye makeup immediately after LASIK is crucial for successful healing and avoiding setbacks in your recovery journey. Following LASIK at Tersigni Vision, you’ll experience the joy of clear vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses, but remember to be mindful of how you reintroduce makeup.

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More FAQ’s About Eye Makeup After LASIK

Can I use eyelash extensions after LASIK?

After LASIK, it’s advisable to wait until your doctor at Tersigni Vision gives the go-ahead before using eyelash extensions or false eyelashes, typically around 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery. This waiting period ensures your eyes heal properly and reduces the risk of complications.

Is it safe to use eye primer after LASIK?

At Tersigni Vision, we recommend waiting at least a week before using eye primer post-LASIK to avoid any potential irritation. Your surgeon will provide personalized advice based on your healing progress.

Can I use waterproof makeup after LASIK?

Waterproof makeup should be avoided immediately after LASIK, as it requires more vigorous removal which can irritate the eyes. Tersigni Vision suggests waiting until your follow-up appointment to confirm it’s safe to use such products.

How soon after LASIK can I wear kohl or pencil eyeliner?

Tersigni Vision advises waiting at least one week after LASIK before using kohl or pencil eyeliner to prevent any particles from entering and irritating the eye, allowing ample time for healing.

Is it okay to use makeup remover wipes after LASIK?

While gentle makeup remover wipes can be used after LASIK, Tersigni Vision recommends being extremely cautious and gentle, particularly around the eye area, to avoid any unnecessary pressure or irritation.

When can I start using eyeshadow after LASIK?

Tersigni Vision typically advises patients to wait at least a week before applying eye shadow post-LASIK to ensure the eyes have adequately healed and to minimize the risk of irritation.

Can I use setting spray on my face after LASIK?

Using setting spray after LASIK eye surgery is generally safe, provided you keep your eyes closed and avoid direct contact with the eye area. Tersigni Vision suggests waiting a few days post-surgery before using such products.

Are there specific brands of makeup recommended after LASIK?

Tersigni Vision recommends using hypoallergenic and non-irritating makeup brands post-LASIK. It’s best to choose products that are fragrance-free and designed for sensitive skin to minimize the risk of irritation.

Can wearing makeup affect my LASIK results?

While wearing makeup after the recommended waiting period should not affect your LASIK results, Tersigni Vision advises against applying makeup too soon after surgery to prevent any potential complications that could impact healing. Improving your visual perception with LASIK at Tersigni Vision is an exciting journey, and understanding how to care for your eyes, including makeup usage, is an important part of the process.

How to clean makeup brushes and sponges to prevent infection after LASIK?

Tersigni Vision emphasizes the importance of thoroughly cleaning makeup tools before use post-LASIK. Brushes and sponges should be washed with gentle soap and water, then dried completely to remove bacteria and prevent infection.



Friday, May 17, 2024

Does LASIK require anesthesia?

At Tersigni Vision, we frequently answer many questions about LASIK surgery, particularly regarding the use of anesthesia. This article will discuss whether anesthesia is necessary for LASIK and what patients can expect during the procedure. Our goal is to provide vital information to our patients to ensure their comfort and confidence in their decision to undergo LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision. To learn more about LASIK and how you can achieve a life free from glasses or contact lenses, schedule a consultation with Tersigni Vision today and take the first step towards a clear vision.

Does LASIK require anesthesia?

Yes, LASIK requires anesthesia, but it is local anesthesia via numbing eyedrops rather than general anesthesia, meaning it does not put patients to sleep. During LASIK surgery, local anesthesia is administered through numbing eye drops to ensure that patients experience no pain during the procedure. Occasionally, a mild oral sedative may also be provided to help patients relax while staying awake. This approach is essential as it allows patients to be alert and capable of following the surgeon’s instructions, which is vital for the success of the surgery. Unlike more invasive operations, LASIK does not require general anesthesia, which induces unconsciousness and carries more significant risks. General anesthesia is unnecessary for LASIK, as the surgery is quick and involves minimal discomfort.

While the idea of being asleep during the LASIK procedure might seem appealing to some, patient cooperation and the ability to follow visual cues during the procedure are crucial for LASIK. During LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision, a laser is used to precisely reshape the cornea, improving the eye’s ability to focus light and enhancing visual clarity. During the LASIK process at Tersigni Vision, patients are required to focus on a light for approximately one minute while the laser is applied. Maintaining a steady gaze on this light is imperative to achieve the most precise results, underscoring the importance of being conscious and responsive during the procedure.

Are Injections or Needles Used To Numb the Eye During LASIK Laser Eye Surgery?

No, injections or needles are not used to numb the eye during LASIK laser eye surgery at Tersigni Vision. The LASIK procedure exclusively utilizes topical anesthetic eye drops to achieve numbness in the eye. These drops ensure that patients remain awake and comfortable throughout the surgery, effectively eliminating any pain associated with the LASIK process. This method is preferred for its simplicity and effectiveness in providing a pain-free experience for patients undergoing the procedure.

Clear Vision with Confidence at Tersigni Vision

At Tersigni Vision, we are committed to ensuring that every patient has a comfortable and informed experience with LASIK surgery. If you’re considering LASIK and have concerns about the procedure, let us put your mind at ease. Contact Tersigni Vision today to schedule a consultation. Our experts are here to guide you through every step, ensuring clarity not just in your vision, but in every aspect of your LASIK experience. Take the next step towards clear vision with Tersigni Vision, where your vision is our focus.

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MORE FAQ’s About Does LASIK Require Anesthesia

If I am awake during LASIK will I feel anything?

Our patients experience minimal sensation during the procedure, typically no more than a slight pressure on the eye, if anything. At Tersigni Vision, we understand concerns about being awake during LASIK and the fear of feeling discomfort but can assure you that you will not feel any pain.

How long does the numbing effect last during LASIK?

At Tersigni Vision, the numbing effect from the anesthetic drops used during LASIK typically lasts throughout the procedure, ensuring patient comfort from start to finish, usually around 30 minutes.

What if I blink or move during LASIK surgery?

Tersigni Vision utilizes advanced LASIK technology with eye-tracking capabilities to compensate for any involuntary movements, ensuring the laser remains precisely focused during the procedure. A small device called a speculum, or eyelid holder, is used during LASIK surgery to gently keep the eyelids open and prevent any involuntary blinking, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted procedure.

Are there alternatives to eye drops for numbing during LASIK?

While topical anesthetic drops are standard for numbing in LASIK, Tersigni Vision ensures that each patient’s comfort and medical needs are met, discussing alternatives if necessary.

What happens if the anesthesia wears off during LASIK?

The likelihood of anesthesia wearing off during LASIK is extremely low; however, Tersigni Vision is prepared to administer additional numbing drops if needed to maintain patient comfort.

Can LASIK be performed under general anesthesia?

LASIK at Tersigni Vision is not performed under general anesthesia due to its risks and unnecessary nature for this minimally invasive procedure, ensuring safety and quick recovery. An oral sedative medication can be given to help patients relax if necessary. Being conscious during LASIK allows Dr. Tersigni to monitor the patient’s visual perception in real-time, ensuring optimal alignment and accuracy of the laser treatment on the cornea.

Is the LASIK procedure painful without general anesthesia?

No, the LASIK procedure at Tersigni Vision is not painful, as the numbing drops effectively prevent discomfort, allowing the surgery to be performed quickly and painlessly.


Monday, March 11, 2024

What if I’m not a candidate for LASIK? Can You Still Help

At Tersigni Vision, we understand the importance of clear vision and its role in enhancing your everyday life. While LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) has transformed the lives of many, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. If you’ve been told you’re not a candidate for LASIK, don’t lose hope. Our team is dedicated to exploring alternative treatments that can address your unique visual perception needs and help you achieve the clarity you deserve.

What if I’m not a candidate for LASIK? Can You Still Help

For individuals with thin corneas, irregularly shaped corneas, corneal scarring, high prescriptions, or other unique eye conditions, LASIK might not be the best option. However, Dr. Tersigni and our team offer the widest variety of effective LASIK alternatives in Portland. Because of this full spectrum of LASIK alternatives, we can cater to the widest range of refractive errors and specific eye health concerns. Discovering that you’re not a candidate for LASIK surgery can be disheartening, but at Tersigni Vision, it’s far from the end of the road in your journey towards clearer vision.

One such alternative is Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK), a type of refractive surgery that, much like LASIK, uses a laser to reshape the cornea but differs in its approach by removing the front epithelial tissue layer. This procedure is just as effective in correcting refractive errors, including near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. PRK might involve a slightly longer recovery period than LASIK, with a temporary bandage contact lens applied to protect the cornea as it heals. However, the end result is comparable to LASIK.

For those with high degrees of refractive errors that corneal-based surgeries cannot correct, thin or irregular corneas, or those struggle with severe dry eye, Phakic Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) offer a promising solution. This procedure involves the surgical implantation of a lens inside the eye, either in front of or behind the iris, without removing the natural lens. This method preserves the eye’s pre-existing ability to focus while correcting vision.

Another innovative procedure is Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE), also called Custom Lens Replacement (CLR), where the eye’s natural lens is replaced with an artificial one. Similar to cataract surgery, RLE can significantly improve vision for individuals with severe hyperopia or those for whom LASIK is not recommended, and also is a solution that can restore reading vision in those that have become dependent on reading glasses. RLE offers patients more choices for correcting their vision including multifocal or accommodative IOLs that enable focus at various distances.

At Tersigni Vision, we’re committed to finding the right solution for your vision needs. If LASIK isn’t suitable for you, rest assured that Dr. Tersigni has a range of alternatives to explore. We encourage you to reach out for a consultation, where a thorough eye exam will reveal the best procedure for your unique situation. Your journey to clearer vision is just a call away.

Who is not a candidate for LASIK?

Some of the key considerations for LASIK candidacy include the necessity for good overall eye health without diseases or infections, stable vision without prescription changes for at least a year, sufficient corneal thickness for the procedure, and the absence of autoimmune diseases that could impede healing. At Tersigni Vision, Dr. Tersigni and his team carefully assess your eye health, vision stability with a comprehensive evaluation, and consider your overall well-being to ensure LASIK is the best option for you.

There are specific circumstances where LASIK may not be the right choice at the current time. For instance, individuals under 18 are not candidates for LASIK as vision can significantly change during adolescent years. Also those pregnant or nursing should not undergo LASIK due to potential hormone-induced vision changes. These factors do not make an individual permanently disqualified from LASIK; they may need to just postpone consideration of LASIK.

Prescription medication that interferes with healing, fluctuating vision prescriptions, and certain health conditions like autoimmune diseases or diabetes also play a critical role in determining LASIK candidacy. Additionally, dry eye syndrome can significantly impact both the procedure’s success and post-operative recovery, necessitating prior treatment to address the dry eye condition.

Beyond these medical and physical considerations, expectations play a crucial role. LASIK offers remarkable improvements in vision, but it’s vital to maintain realistic expectations about the outcomes, acknowledging that perfection is unattainable and that some may still require glasses for certain activities post-surgery.

For those who find LASIK isn’t an option due to these considerations, Tersigni Vision offers alternative procedures such as PRK, EVO ICL, Refractive Lens Exchange, and SMILE eye surgery. Each of these alternatives caters to different vision correction needs and personal circumstances, ensuring that a path to clearer vision is still within reach. Dr. Tersigni’s commitment to personalized care means that during your consultation, all aspects of your eye health and vision goals are considered to select the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Beyond LASIK: Discover Your Path to Clear Vision with Tersigni Vision’s Comprehensive Solutions

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What if I’m not a candidate for LASIK? Can You Still Help?

The journey to perfect vision is as unique as you are. At Tersigni Vision, we pride ourselves on offering a broader spectrum of laser vision correction procedures than any other practice in Portland. Dr. Tersigni’s expertise and our commitment to personalized care ensure that every patient finds a path to clearer vision, tailored specifically to their needs. Whether it’s PRK, EVO ICL, Refractive Lens Exchange, or SMILE surgery, we’re equipped to guide you through your options and find the best solution for your vision. Don’t let the question of candidacy deter you from exploring the possibilities. Reach out to Tersigni Vision today to schedule your consultation, and embark on a journey towards achieving the clear vision you deserve with the most comprehensive options available in Portland.

More FAQ’s About What if I’m not a Candidate for LASIK

Why might I not be a candidate for LASIK?

At Tersigni Vision, several factors can determine LASIK candidacy, including insufficient corneal thickness, unstable vision prescription, existing eye conditions like keratoconus, active eye infections, or systemic health issues such as autoimmune diseases. Each of these factors can impact the safety and effectiveness of the LASIK procedure.

What are the alternatives if I’m not eligible for LASIK?

If LASIK laser eye surgery isn’t suitable for you, Tersigni Vision offers alternatives like PRK, EVO ICL, Refractive Lens Exchange or Custom Lens Replacement, and SMILE eye surgeries. These options cater to a wide range of vision correction needs, ensuring that there’s a path to improved vision tailored to your specific circumstances.

Can having thin corneas disqualify me from LASIK?

Yes, having thin corneas can disqualify you from LASIK at Tersigni Vision because the procedure requires reshaping the cornea with a laser, which necessitates a certain corneal thickness to be safe and effective. Alternative treatments are available for those with thin corneas.

Is age a factor in LASIK candidacy?

Indeed, age is a factor in determining LASIK candidacy. At Tersigni Vision, patients must be at least 18 years old with a stable vision prescription for at least one year. However, there’s no upper age limit for LASIK; candidacy is more about eye health and prescription stability.

Can I have LASIK if I have dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome can affect LASIK candidacy. At Tersigni Vision, your refractive surgeon, Dr. Tersigni, evaluates your dry eye condition to determine if it can be effectively managed or treated before undergoing LASIK. In some cases, treating dry eye may allow for LASIK, or alternative procedures may be recommended.

How does pregnancy affect LASIK candidacy?

Pregnancy and nursing can lead to temporary vision changes, making it inadvisable to undergo LASIK during these times. Tersigni Vision recommends waiting until your prescription has stabilized for at least a few months post-nursing before considering LASIK.

Can LASIK correct all types of vision problems?

LASIK at Tersigni Vision is highly effective for correcting myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. However, its suitability depends on individual factors like corneal thickness and eye health. For conditions outside LASIK’s corrective range, alternatives are offered.

What medical conditions could make me ineligible for LASIK?

Systemic health conditions, especially autoimmune diseases or conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, can impact LASIK candidacy at Tersigni Vision due to potential healing complications. A comprehensive health assessment helps determine the safest vision correction option for you.

If I’ve had previous eye surgeries, can I still get LASIK?

Previous eye surgeries do not automatically disqualify you from LASIK at Tersigni Vision. However, factors like the type of surgery, healing outcomes, and current eye health will be carefully evaluated to ensure LASIK is a viable and safe option.

How stable does my vision need to be for LASIK?

Stable vision, typically with no significant prescription changes for at least a year, is required for LASIK candidacy at Tersigni Vision. This stability indicates that your eyes are unlikely to undergo significant natural changes soon after the procedure, ensuring lasting results.


Thursday, March 7, 2024

LASIK and Claustrophobia: How to Overcome It

When considering a life-changing LASIK procedure, patients have many questions. We are here to answer each question and make sure you are confident in your decision to have LASIK. One question you might wonder about is how you can overcome claustrophobia during LASIK. This article will answer that question as well as other questions related to claustrophobia and LASIK. As a refractive LASIK surgeon in the Portland area, Dr. Tersigni’s calming demeanor and years of experience in vision correction surgery help alleviate patient’s fears. Contact our office now for additional information and to book an appointment to determine whether you are a good candidate for LASIK. You’ll enjoy meeting our team and Dr. Tersigni. We want you to be able to say goodbye to contact lenses and glasses once and for all.

For individuals who struggle with claustrophobia, it’s understandable to have concerns about undergoing LASIK.

Does LASIK trigger claustrophobia for those who struggle with it?

LASIK might pose challenges for some who struggle with claustrophobia; however, it’s important to note that our team is highly experienced in managing such concerns.

During LASIK surgery, moments that could potentially trigger claustrophobia include the use of an eye fixation device and the sensation of being in a confined space. However, at Tersigni Vision, we take extensive measures to ensure patient comfort and ease anxiety. Our approach includes thorough pre-procedure discussions to familiarize patients with what to expect, the use of calming techniques, and, if necessary, mild sedatives to help relax patients.

The procedure itself is quick, typically lasting only a few minutes per eye, and our staff is trained to provide reassurance and support throughout. We also encourage discussing any specific fears with your surgeon beforehand, as personalized accommodations can often be made. Our goal at Tersigni Vision is to make LASIK possible for everyone, including those with claustrophobia, by ensuring a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment.

The laser technology used in LASIK surgery is designed to be precise and efficient, minimizing the time the eye is under pressure and reducing the risk of inducing panic or discomfort. The use of eye drops not only provides anesthesia to prevent pain but also helps to alleviate the fear of visual impairment during the procedure.

Can claustrophobia affect my eligibility for LASIK surgery?

At Tersigni Vision, having claustrophobia does not automatically disqualify you from being eligible for LASIK surgery. We understand that claustrophobia can add an extra layer of anxiety for patients considering this procedure, and our team is committed to working closely with each patient to address their specific concerns and needs. We employ a range of strategies designed to help manage claustrophobic feelings, such as providing a detailed walkthrough of the procedure, offering relaxation techniques, and considering the use of mild sedatives when appropriate. The key to a successful LASIK experience, especially for those dealing with claustrophobia, lies in open communication between the patient and the surgeon. By discussing your concerns with Dr. Tersigni, we can tailor the procedure and care to better suit your comfort levels. Our goal at Tersigni Vision is to ensure that claustrophobia does not stand in the way of achieving better vision through LASIK, making the procedure accessible and manageable for everyone.

Understanding the role of the ophthalmologist in guiding patients through the LASIK process can ease concerns about the unknown, reducing symptoms of specific phobia. The ophthalmology experts at Tersigni Vision are equipped to handle the unique challenges faced by patients with claustrophobia, ensuring that each step of the eye surgery, from pre-treatment discussions to post-operative care, addresses any irrational fear or anxiety. Dr. Tersigni is known for his calming disposition. You are not alone. Most patients are at least slightly nervous before an eye procedure. We’ll make sure you are relaxed.

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Are there any relaxation techniques or medications that can help manage claustrophobia during LASIK?

At Tersigni Vision, for individuals with claustrophobia who undergo LASIK we prioritize patient comfort and anxiety management. We offer a variety of relaxation techniques and, when necessary, medications to help manage feelings of claustrophobia during the procedure. Our approach includes guided breathing exercises and visualization techniques designed to promote relaxation. For those who may need additional support, we can discuss the option of using mild sedatives or anti-anxiety medications under careful supervision. Our experienced staff is trained to provide reassurance and support throughout the procedure, ensuring you feel as comfortable and calm as possible. We encourage patients to communicate their needs and concerns before the surgery, allowing us to tailor our care approach. By integrating these strategies, Tersigni Vision aims to make LASIK a positive and manageable experience for individuals with claustrophobia, helping them achieve better vision with minimal anxiety.

Incorporating diaphragmatic breathing into the relaxation techniques offered can significantly alleviate the fear of undergoing laser surgery. This method of breathing is known to reduce symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety by calming the mind and nervous system.

What pre-procedure preparations can help reduce anxiety and claustrophobia?

At Tersigni Vision, we understand the importance of reducing anxiety and claustrophobia before LASIK surgery. To help our patients feel more at ease, we recommend four pre-procedure preparations.

  1. We offer detailed consultations that include a step-by-step walkthrough of the LASIK process, helping demystify the procedure and set clear expectations.
  2. We also encourage patients to engage in relaxation practices leading up to the surgery, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to calming music.
  3. Familiarizing oneself with the surgery environment before the procedure can significantly reduce anxiety, so we welcome pre-procedure visits to our facility for a firsthand look at where the surgery will take place.
  4. For those who may need more support, discussing the possibility of anti-anxiety medication with the surgeon prior to the procedure day can also be arranged.

Our goal at Tersigni Vision is to provide a comfortable and reassuring environment, ensuring that our patients feel prepared and supported every step of the way.

Eye tracking technology used during LASIK surgeries at Tersigni Vision helps ensure the laser is precisely focused, which can alleviate concerns about the risk to the cornea and the overall health of the eye. Additionally, understanding that the treatment is designed to address refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism can provide reassurance about the positive outcomes and improvement in visual perception.

How long does the LASIK procedure last, and how is patient comfort ensured during this time?

At Tersigni Vision, the LASIK procedure is quick and efficient, typically lasting only about 10 to 15 minutes for both eyes. We understand that even a short duration can feel longer for those with anxiety or claustrophobia, which is why we take extra steps to ensure patient comfort throughout the process.

LASIK, also known as laser in-situ keratomileusis, is a form of laser eye surgery that reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors, improving visual perception and reducing the need for corrective lenses in everyday life. From the moment you enter our facility, our team works to create a calming and supportive atmosphere. During the procedure itself, we use numbing drops to prevent any discomfort in the eyes. Our experienced staff is also trained to provide continuous reassurance and guidance, ensuring you know what to expect at each step. For patients particularly concerned about feeling anxious or claustrophobic, we can discuss additional measures such as mild sedatives to help you relax. At Tersigni Vision, patient comfort and safety are our top priorities, and we’re dedicated to making the LASIK experience as positive and stress-free as possible.

More FAQ’s About LASIK and Claustrophobia

Can people with claustrophobia undergo LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision?

Yes, individuals with claustrophobia can undergo LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision. We understand the unique challenges faced by claustrophobic patients and offer tailored support, including pre-procedure counseling and relaxation techniques, to ensure a comfortable experience.

Can Tersigni Vision provide sedation for claustrophobic patients during LASIK?

Tersigni Vision can offer mild sedation options for claustrophobic patients undergoing LASIK, subject to medical evaluation. This approach helps in significantly reducing anxiety levels, making the procedure more comfortable.

What if my claustrophobia becomes overwhelming during LASIK at Tersigni Vision?

If claustrophobia becomes overwhelming, Tersigni Vision’s experienced staff is prepared to offer immediate support, including pausing the procedure if feasible, applying additional comforting techniques, or administering further sedation as needed to ensure patient safety and comfort.

How does Tersigni Vision ensure a claustrophobia-friendly environment during LASIK?

Tersigni Vision ensures a claustrophobia-friendly environment by maintaining a calm and reassuring atmosphere, providing clear and concise communication throughout the procedure, and employing state-of-the-art equipment designed for patient comfort. Our patients often comment on how comfortable they feel in our facility.

Can I have someone with me during my LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision to help with my claustrophobia?

While the sterile environment of the surgery room typically requires patients to be alone, Tersigni Vision accommodates by offering the presence of a staff member dedicated to providing reassurance and support, helping manage feelings of claustrophobia.

What follow-up care does Tersigni Vision provide for claustrophobic patients after LASIK?

Post-LASIK, Tersigni Vision offers comprehensive follow-up care tailored to each patient’s needs, including counseling and support for claustrophobic patients to ensure they feel comfortable and secure throughout the recovery process.

How effective is LASIK at Tersigni Vision for patients with claustrophobia, and what are their success rates?

LASIK refractive surgery at Tersigni Vision is highly effective for patients with claustrophobia. Our personalized approach, combined with our advanced technology and experienced staff, ensures high success rates and positive outcomes, with support mechanisms specifically designed for those with anxiety-related concerns.

How does cognitive behavioral therapy help with claustrophobia related to LASIK surgery?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that helps individuals understand and change their thought patterns and behaviors related to specific phobias, such as claustrophobia. By applying CBT techniques, patients can learn to manage their anxiety about LASIK surgery, reducing fear and making the experience more manageable. This therapy is recommended as part of a comprehensive approach to patient care, especially for those with significant anxiety or phobias.


Best LASIK Near Me: Questions to Ask to Find the Best LASIK Surgeon for You

The most popular type of laser eye surgery, LASIK (laser-assisted-in-situ keratomileusis), is the best choice for many individuals who have common vision issues such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and even astigmatism. The United States Food and Drug Administration has given its approval for this type of laser vision correction procedure that successfully corrects refractive errors and gives patients the ability to do away with or lessen their reliance on glasses or contacts. The majority of  LASIK patients enjoy 20/20 vision without the use of corrective lenses after their procedure.

The decision to have LASIK vision correction surgery is a significant one, and the success of your procedure will be greatly influenced by the surgeon you select. When comparing LASIK providers, it is crucial to make an educated decision and to ask important questions. Asking questions and learning what makes one LASIK surgeon different from another is essential because not all LASIK surgeons are the same. We at Tersigni Vision want to give you the information you need in order to feel comfortable choosing to have LASIK surgery with our highly trained and experienced surgeon, Dr. Tersigni. When looking for a LASIK surgeon, it’s important to ask the following questions.

Who will be performing my surgery, and do they only work in this office?

Is your surgeon based at the LASIK facility you’ll be using? Or does he take a flight into the city and back out after performing your procedure? It is important to know precisely who will be operating on your eyes during LASIK. Avoid LASIK Eye Centers with LASIK Surgeons based in different cities and states. These ophthalmologists often fly in, perform your procedure, and then leave again. What if you need to see your surgeon right away? Most likely, you will not be able to see them, and you will need to consult with another LASIK surgeon or technician.

Every piece of LASIK equipment is different, which is another disadvantage of “traveling surgeons.” Even though your surgeon may use the same brand of equipment in all of their offices, each unit has a slightly different calibration. Tersigni Vision is the only place Dr. Tersigni performs refractive surgery. He will be available to you before, during, and after your LASIK procedure. Dr. Tersigni also has a deep understanding of the laser technology used in our office and records each surgery in a database so we can monitor the accuracy for each patient.

What training does the surgeon who will be performing LASIK on your eyes have?

It’s essential to find out as much as you can about the background of the surgeon doing the procedure. Each surgeon must adhere to certain standards, but their level of expertise varies. Credentials are always important when choosing a doctor. When selecting a LASIK surgeon to operate on your eyes, qualifications are critical.

One qualification is board certification from the American Board of Ophthalmology. Board-certified LASIK specialists have completed years of surgical training, obtained their medical degree from a reputable institution, and regularly participate in continuing education seminars to stay current on the most recent advancements in laser vision correction. Even more important, though, is whether your surgeon has received specialized training in refractive surgery and vision correction. Not all eye surgeons receive the specialized training needed to be an expert in LASIK and vision correction surgery. Your surgeon ideally should have fellowship training in the field in which they specialize.

Come see what you’re missing.

Do you solely perform LASIK, or do you provide the entire range of refractive surgery options?

Knowing whether the vision correction surgeon you are considering for your vision correction solely does LASIK or provides a broad range of LASIK alternatives is important. Working with a surgeon who not only offers LASIK but also its cutting-edge alternatives is vital because there is no one method of vision correction that is optimal for all patients. Some doctors who solely perform LASIK eye surgery may frequently try to fit you into a LASIK procedure, even if it isn’t the best option for your particular needs. At Tersigni Vision, we are experts in a variety of vision correction surgery techniques and strive to provide the best results for every patient. We are the only center in Oregon to provide the full portfolio of vision correction options. We will never advise you to have a procedure for which you are not a good candidate and will instead work with you to identify the procedure that best suits your needs and vision objectives.

Not a candidate for LASIK? Don’t worry; you’ve come to the right place. Your LASIK alternatives at Tersigni Vision include SMILE eye surgery, Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK procedures), ICL, and Refractive Lens Exchange. Let’s put an end to fuzzy eyesight so you can see properly and live your life to the fullest.

Why is finding a surgeon who performs other procedures in addition to LASIK important?

Your vision correction surgery should be tailored to your unique needs; thus, it’s crucial to find a surgeon that performs LASIK and its alternatives. Not everyone is a candidate for laser surgery, and that’s okay! Even though it may be discouraging to learn that you are not a candidate for LASIK, it is much better to have a surgeon who is straightforward with you and prioritizes your individual needs over their own financial interests.

When doctors pressure a patient into a vision correction procedure for which they are not a good candidate, it might result in complications and the requirement for additional corrective surgery. When discussing LASIK, it’s important to be upfront and truthful with your eye doctor about your medical background. A competent refractive surgeon will want to make sure that you are a strong candidate for the operation and that you have a good chance of having a successful outcome.

Dr. Tersigni is an expert surgeon in not only LASIK but also EVO ICL surgery, SMILE, PRK, and Refractive Lens Exchange. Many patients come to us after they have been told they are not a candidate at another center. Our patients will always leave our office feeling encouraged that there is hope for clearer vision and informed of all of their options for vision correction.

How many LASIK surgeries have you performed?

We realize that everyone started somewhere, but the surgeons’ credentials and experience should speak for themselves. Ideally, your LASIK surgeon should have completed thousands of procedures. Furthermore, he or she ought to be performing them frequently, which shows that their skills are “in shape.”

In light of this, “Do you ever decline a patient’s request for LASIK surgery?” is one of the greatest questions you can ask. In a perfect world, the answer would be “Yes, I have.” The fact is that not every patient is a good candidate for LASIK surgery.

If the surgeon asserts that no patient has ever been turned away, this may be a sign that financial gain takes precedence over the patient’s overall success and long-term well-being, and you should find another surgeon. The health and safety of the patient are the top priorities of a great LASIK surgeon.

Dr. Tersigni is not only a surgeon but also an educator and researcher. He has written for and edited content for a wide variety of medical educational publications and websites and has been published in national journals. He has been involved in multiple U.S. FDA trials involving advanced technology lens implants, corneal treatments, and investigational therapeutic medications, among other studies.

How in-depth is the eye exam at the initial LASIK consultation?

Many LASIK facilities only do two tests to see if you qualify for the procedure. To ensure that LASIK is the best procedure for your eyes, it is crucial to get a comprehensive eye examination that includes multiple tests.

Our procedure differs significantly from a typical LASIK consultation. According to our patients, this is the most cutting-edge and in-depth eye exam they’ve ever experienced. Most places do two or three tests on your eyes to determine if you are a candidate for LASIK because LASIK is all they do. At Tersigni Vision, we provide the complete range of contemporary vision correction options. Therefore, we do up to 9 separate scans and test on your eyes to thoroughly examine them from the front to the back. You will spend around a half-hour with your vision correction surgeon, Dr. Tersigni, after all of your scans, measurements, and tests to discuss which vision correction options are ideal for you.

What is your success rate for the LASIK procedure?

Laser eye surgeries can improve visual acuity, visual perception and fix a variety of vision issues, including astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. Your surgeon should have had success using LASIK surgery to treat patients with the type of refractive error and severity of vision impairment that you have. Knowing that the surgeon has successfully conducted hundreds or maybe thousands of LASIK procedures on people with comparable vision problems will put your mind at ease.

How much does the initial consultation cost to determine if I’m a candidate for LASIK cost?

To draw clients to their laser eye surgery center, many laser eye surgery specialists offer free initial LASIK consultations. Unfortunately, this can be a little misleading because at these kinds of vision centers, the costs associated with your testing and examination are ultimately passed on to the patient. LASIK surgeons and their employees frequently use aggressive sales techniques and recommend a surgery that may not be the most suitable for you in order to avoid losing money on the free consultation.

Tersigni Vision emphasizes open communication and upfront costs. Every step of the way, we provide high-quality medical services and will only suggest a procedure if it is really the best option for your eyes.

What does the LASIK cost include?

Make sure the LASIK pricing is all-inclusive when comparing costs, which means that it covers the operation as well as preoperative and postoperative services. This ensures there are no unpleasant surprises and that you receive the best care possible. Pricing with restrictions or exceptions can put your finances in danger and lead to unforeseen extra costs.

With all-inclusive pricing, you can relax knowing that all of your needs will be met. Costs should typically include all clinic visits before, during, and after the surgery. You may wish to look into the following coverage options if you’re researching all-inclusive surgery rates:

  • Prescriptions needed before and after the procedure, in addition to anesthesia (numbing eyedrops)
  • Cost of facilities and personnel
  • Items that are disposed of after use, like gloves and medical gowns
  • Cost of using lasers. Sometimes there is a small additional fee to utilize the laser

At Tersigni Vision, there won’t be any unforeseen costs before, during, or after the LASIK eye surgery because our prices are all-inclusive. Additionally, working with a team of professionals who are dedicated to providing you with high-quality service throughout the entire process will give you the peace of mind you need.

What type of LASIK technology do you use?

Technology for vision correction is ever-evolving. Modern techniques like All-laser LASIK and wavefront LASIK allow eye doctors to tailor the course of treatment to be more precise and accurate. A skilled LASIK surgeon invests in the most modern technology and advancements to provide a safe patient experience and great visual acuity results. Femtosecond laser flaps help to produce a result that is safer. It is essential to use wavefront lasers with the most recent software upgrades.

The most cutting-edge excimer laser and vision correction technologies are used by Tersigni Vision, and they are so accurate that they can etch letters on a human hair strand. All of this cutting-edge LASIK technology, though, is useless without a qualified, knowledgeable LASIK surgeon like Dr. Tersigni to program and guide it.

How do you determine if a patient is a good candidate for LASIK?

LASIK may be a fantastic procedure for you if you have reached ocular maturity (often about age 18), have a healthy cornea, and have nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia, or astigmatism. Additionally, your contact lens or eyeglass prescription must show that your eyes have been somewhat stable for the past year or so.

At Tersigni Vision, your initial visit includes a comprehensive diagnostic workup using the most modern technology and up to nine different tests to assess your eye health. After having your eyes assessed, you will meet with Dr. Tersigni, your surgeon, to discuss the perfect vision correction technique created just for you as well as other valuable information relevant to the health of your eyes.

How do you handle follow-up care and monitoring of the patient’s progress?

After undergoing a LASIK procedure, patients should schedule follow-up appointments with their LASIK surgeon. These post-operative visits with the surgeon help them make sure the patients are healing properly and without any complications. If any issues are discovered by an eye surgeon at a follow-up visit, they can be resolved immediately.

During these follow-up visits, patients are advised to share any questions or concerns they may have. This is an excellent method for assisting individuals in their recovery and discovering issues before they become more serious. For the best continuity of care, it is necessary to schedule an appointment with the surgeon who performed your treatment. It is not ideal and can lead to misunderstanding for both the patient and the provider if the surgeon you use for your LASIK surgery only sees you during the operation and not before or after.

You will see your surgeon at Tersigni Vision before, during, and after your LASIK treatment. Dr. Tersigni is available to respond to concerns and make sure your recovery is going as planned.

Come See What You’re Missing…

Do not settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to vision correction. Come see what refractive surgeries Tersigni Vision has to offer, whether you have worn glasses since the second grade, you just started wearing bifocals or reading glasses, or you have been informed you are not a candidate for LASIK. You really can have clear vision and get rid of contact lenses or glasses. Come see what you’re missing. More options. Less confusion. Maximum care.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wavefront LASIK vs. Topographical Mapping LASIK

In the pursuit of crystal-clear vision, the world of LASIK surgery has evolved dramatically, offering cutting-edge solutions that transform lives. Tersigni Vision stands at the forefront of this evolution, embracing technologies like Wavefront LASIK. These advanced techniques are more than medical procedures; they are gateways to a life unburdened by the constraints of poor vision.

At Tersigni Vision, we understand that the decision to undergo LASIK is significant. Guided by Dr. Tersigni’s expertise, our approach is tailored to meet your unique needs. We recognize that every eye is a complex and individual landscape, requiring a personalized strategy. Whether it’s through the precision of Wavefront LASIK or the detailed mapping of Topographical LASIK, our goal is to offer clear, comprehensible options. Here, you’re not just undergoing a procedure; you’re embarking on a journey towards life-changing vision, supported every step of the way. Let’s delve into these two revolutionary techniques, understanding how they can bring the world into sharper focus for you.

Wavefront LASIK: A New Dimension in Eye Mapping

Wavefront LASIK technology, a cornerstone of Tersigni Vision’s approach to eye care, represents a significant advancement in the way we understand and treat the human eye. At its core, Wavefront technology creates a three-dimensional map of the eye, offering a level of detail that surpasses traditional topographical methods.

How does this work? Imagine a topographical map of a mountain range detailing its peaks and valleys. Traditional methods provide a similar ‘surface level’ map of your eye. However, Wavefront technology goes deeper, capturing not just the surface but also the way light travels through your eye, highlighting the unique intricacies of its internal landscape. This is akin to understanding not just the shape of the mountain but also its composition, climate, and ecology.

At Tersigni Vision, Dr. Tersigni harnesses the power of Wavefront analysis to craft personalized treatment plans. This technology allows us to see and address minute aberrations in the eye that traditional methods might miss. These aberrations, often undetectable by standard eye exams, can significantly impact your vision. By tailoring the LASIK procedure to these detailed maps, Dr. Tersigni ensures a higher precision in correcting vision, leading to clearer, sharper outcomes.

This personalized approach underpins our commitment at Tersigni Vision: to provide not just better vision, but the best possible vision for each individual. Wavefront technology is more than an advanced tool; it’s a pathway to a clearer world, uniquely tailored to your eyes.

Understanding the Distinction: Wavefront vs. Topography-Guided LASIK

When considering LASIK surgery, it’s crucial to understand the differences between Wavefront LASIK and topography-guided LASIK. While they share a common goal of improving vision, their methodologies and the details they reveal about your eyes are distinct.

Wavefront LASIK: This technology is like a highly detailed cartographer that maps the entire visual pathway of your eye. Wavefront sensors create an intricate map of the eye’s optical imperfections, capturing details across the entire eye, not just the surface. It excels in identifying higher-order aberrations – these are complex visual errors that can significantly affect the quality of your vision. Think of Wavefront LASIK as assessing the entire journey of light through your eye, from the front surface to the deepest layers.

Corneal Topography-Guided LASIK: In contrast, topography-guided LASIK focuses on the eye’s front surface, the cornea. It uses corneal topography to map the anterior surface of the cornea, identifying surface irregularities and abnormalities. However, it doesn’t provide insights into the internal optics of your eye. Imagine this approach as a detailed analysis of the cornea’s landscape – its hills, valleys, and plains.

The Key Difference: The primary distinction lies in their scope and depth of analysis. Wavefront LASIK offers a comprehensive, three-dimensional “volumetric” map of optical imperfections throughout your entire visual system. It accounts for how light is refracted not only through the cornea but also the internal lens of the eye. This enables the detection of subtle internal aberrations that can impact your vision. Topography-guided LASIK, meanwhile, is more like a detailed study of the cornea’s surface topography, providing targeted information for treating surface level irregularities.

In summary, while both technologies aim to refine and enhance your vision, they operate on different levels of eye analysis. Wavefront LASIK offers a broader and deeper understanding of your eye’s optical system, whereas topography-guided LASIK specializes in the cornea’s surface characteristics.

Integrating Wavefront and Topography: Optimizing LASIK Results

In LASIK surgery, both Wavefront and topography technologies are instrumental in guiding treatment, but they function distinctly to enhance the overall results. Wavefront technology is akin to a deep-sea diver, delving into the entire ocean, not just skimming the surface. It creates a comprehensive optical map that encompasses deeper structures of the eye, going beyond the limitations of the corneal surface. This allows for a complete understanding of the eye’s optical system, capturing internal aberrations that impact vision.

On the other hand, topography technology acts more like a precise surface surveyor, focusing exclusively on the cornea’s contours and irregularities. Its specialized mapping of the corneal surface is vital for identifying and treating specific corneal conditions.

When these two technologies are used in tandem, they provide a synergistic effect in laser vision correction. The combination of Wavefront’s broad analysis and topography’s detailed surface mapping enables surgeons to craft a more accurate and customized correction plan. This integration addresses both surface-level and deeper optical issues, leading to optimized LASIK outcomes. Thus, the collaborative use of Wavefront and topography in LASIK surgery represents a holistic approach, where the strengths of each technology complement the other, ensuring a comprehensive and effective treatment for enhanced vision clarity.

Seeing Clearly with Customized Care at Tersigni Vision

In the journey toward impeccable vision, Dr. Tersigni and Tersigni Vision stand out with their commitment to offering Custom Wavefront LASIK, a pinnacle of personalized eye care. This advanced technique is not just a procedure; it’s a custom solution, tailored to the unique contours and needs of each individual’s eyes.

Dr. Tersigni’s expertise in Custom Wavefront LASIK lies in its ability to go beyond standard treatments. By integrating the precision of Wavefront technology with a deep understanding of each patient’s visual profile, he crafts a LASIK experience that’s as unique as the eyes it treats. This approach ensures that each patient receives not only the highest standards of care but also results that are finely tuned to their specific vision requirements.

At Tersigni Vision, the focus is always on providing clear, comprehensive options and guiding patients through every step of their vision improvement journey. Custom Wavefront LASIK represents the epitome of this approach – a fusion of advanced technology with personalized care, promising not just improved vision, but a new perspective on life.

Embarking on this path towards clearer vision is a decision that Tersigni Vision makes simple and reassuring. If you’re considering LASIK and desire a solution that’s molded to your eyes’ unique story, it’s time to experience the Tersigni Vision difference. Reach out to us, and take the first step towards seeing the world with newfound clarity and confidence.

More FAQ’s About Wavefront LASIK vs. Topographical Mapping LASIK

What is Wavefront LASIK, and how does it differ from traditional LASIK?

Wavefront LASIK is an advanced form of laser eye surgery that uses wavefront technology to create a detailed map of the eye. This map identifies optical aberrations or imperfections, allowing for a more precise and personalized correction of vision issues like near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. Unlike traditional LASIK, which treats based on eyeglass prescriptions, Wavefront LASIK considers the unique ‘fingerprint’ of your eye, leading to potentially sharper visual perception. Dr. Tersigni and Tersigni Vision utilize this technology to tailor the surgery to the individual’s specific refractive errors, enhancing both the accuracy and precision of the treatment.

How does Wavefront LASIK improve visual acuity and correct aberrations of the eye?

Wavefront LASIK improves visual acuity by accurately correcting refractive errors and optical aberrations in the eye. It uses a sophisticated beam of light to create a detailed map of the eye, including the retina and pupil. This allows for the correction of not just simple refractive errors like myopia (near-sightedness) and hyperopia (far-sightedness), but also complex aberrations like coma, which traditional methods might not address. At Tersigni Vision, Dr. Tersigni leverages this detailed data for precise ablation of the corneal tissue, enhancing the overall visual outcome for patients.

Is Wavefront LASIK suitable for people who have used glasses or contact lenses for a long time?

Yes, Wavefront LASIK can be an excellent option for long-term users of glasses or contact lenses. This technique is particularly beneficial as it customizes the treatment based on the unique characteristics of each eye, taking into account the specific corrections needed for your vision. During an eye examination at Tersigni Vision, Dr. Tersigni assesses factors like your eyeglass prescription, corneal thickness, and eye health to determine your suitability for Wavefront LASIK. The goal is to provide a personalized solution that reduces or eliminates your dependence on corrective lenses.

Can Wavefront LASIK treat astigmatism effectively?

Wavefront LASIK is highly effective in treating astigmatism, a condition where the eye’s refraction is uneven, leading to blurred vision. This advanced form of refractive surgery measures and corrects the irregularities in the cornea’s shape, thereby addressing astigmatism at its root. Dr. Tersigni’s expertise in ophthalmology and the use of state-of-the-art technology like the Excimer laser ensure that patients at Tersigni Vision receive precise and tailored treatment for astigmatism, often achieving significant improvements in their visual acuity.

Are there any risks associated with Wavefront LASIK?

Like any eye surgery, Wavefront LASIK has potential risks, including dry eyes, changes in vision, or the need for additional surgery. However, the precision of Wavefront technology helps minimize these risks. Tersigni Vision adheres to stringent safety standards approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. Dr. Tersigni conducts a thorough eye examination and uses the latest measurement techniques to ensure the highest safety and efficacy for each patient. It’s important to discuss potential risks and benefits with Dr. Tersigni during your consultation.

How does Wavefront-guided LASIK compare to conventional LASIK and topography-guided LASIK in treating higher-order aberrations?

Wavefront-guided LASIK differs significantly from conventional LASIK and topography-guided LASIK, especially in treating higher-order aberrations – complex vision problems that standard LASIK may not address. Conventional LASIK primarily corrects lower order aberrations like myopia, hyperopia, and regular astigmatism, based on a standard eyeglass prescription. Topography-guided LASIK focuses more on corneal irregularities, using advanced topography-guided custom ablation to treat corneal irregularities. Wavefront-guided LASIK, however, uses a wavefront aberrometer to create a detailed map of the eye, detecting both lower and higher order aberrations. This allows for a more personalized corrective procedure, leading to improved optical quality and potentially better visual outcomes. These cutting-edge technologies, like wavefront-guided laser and topographically guided laser treatment, can be used at Tersigni Vision to address a wide range of vision problems, ensuring that each LASIK procedure is tailored to the patient’s unique ocular features.

What advancements have been made in LASIK procedures for treating astigmatism and irregular corneas?

Recent advancements in LASIK, such as wavefront-guided and topography-guided technologies, have greatly enhanced the treatment of astigmatism and irregular corneas. Wavefront-guided treatment, for instance, corrects vision by compensating for light-related distortions, including those caused by irregular astigmatism. Topography-guided LASIK, also known as Contoura LASIK, specifically targets corneal irregularities, offering a more customized approach to treat corneal irregularities. These methods, along with the use of all-laser LASIK procedures and corneal crosslinking, provide more effective solutions for patients with irregular corneas or high astigmatism. Dr. Tersigni’s approach at Tersigni Vision incorporates these technological advancements, ensuring that each LASIK surgery, whether it’s wavefront-guided LASIK or topography-guided LASIK, is optimally configured to the patient’s specific eye structure and vision needs.

In what ways does Wavefront-guided LASIK improve the quality of vision for patients with myopic LASIK requirements?

Wavefront-guided LASIK offers a significant improvement in the quality of vision for patients with myopic (near-sighted) LASIK requirements. This technique uses wavefront technology to accurately measure and correct not just the basic refractive error, but also more complex vision distortions known as higher-order aberrations. These are often not corrected by conventional laser surgery. The precision of wavefront-guided LASIK leads to a more natural shape of the cornea post-surgery, reducing issues like glare, halos, and double vision. Dr. Tersigni’s expertise in applying wavefront-guided technology at Tersigni Vision ensures personalized treatment plans for myopic patients, aiming for optimal visual acuity and a higher level of satisfaction with the visual outcomes.

Can Wavefront-guided LASIK be combined with other laser procedures like PRK for better results?

Yes, Wavefront-guided LASIK can be combined with other laser procedures like Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) for enhanced results in certain cases. This combination is particularly beneficial for patients with thinner corneas or those who may not be ideal candidates for LASIK due to specific corneal conditions. Wavefront-guided PRK utilizes the same advanced mapping technology to correct refractive errors, providing a personalized approach to laser eye surgery. Dr. Tersigni at Tersigni Vision evaluates each patient’s unique eye structure and vision requirements to determine the best combination of procedures, whether it’s Wavefront-guided LASIK, PRK, or another method, to achieve the best possible visual outcomes.

What is the difference between Wavefront-guided LASIK and Topography-guided LASIK for correcting astigmatism?

Wavefront-guided LASIK and Topography-guided LASIK are both effective for correcting astigmatism, but they approach the condition differently. Wavefront-guided LASIK uses a detailed wavefront map to identify and correct aberrations, including those associated with astigmatism. It is particularly adept at correcting higher-order aberrations, providing a more nuanced correction. Topography-guided LASIK, meanwhile, focuses on the corneal surface, treating astigmatism by reshaping the cornea based on its topographical map. Dr. Tersigni at Tersigni Vision uses these FDA-approved methods for LASIK eye surgery to provide customized treatment plans, whether it’s wavefront-guided or topography-guided LASIK, ensuring optimal results for those with astigmatism.

How does Wavefront-guided LASIK improve vision for those with highly aberrated corneas?

Wavefront-guided LASIK can be particularly beneficial for patients with highly aberrated corneas, as it provides a detailed analysis of the entire optical system of the eye. This technique uses a wavefront map to detect and correct irregularities that might not be apparent with standard vision correction procedures. By addressing these complex aberrations, wavefront-guided LASIK can significantly improve visual quality for patients who previously relied on glasses or contacts. Dr. Tersigni at Tersigni Vision specializes in these advanced laser procedures, offering custom LASIK solutions to effectively treat aberrated corneas and enhance visual outcomes.

Can LASIK and PRK be combined with Refractive Lens Exchange for better vision correction?

Combining LASIK or PRK with Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) can offer comprehensive vision correction, especially for patients with complex visual needs. RLE involves replacing the eye’s natural lens with an artificial one, which can be an effective solution for those ineligible for LASIK or PRK due to certain eye conditions. When combined with LASIK or PRK, which reshape the cornea, RLE can further refine vision correction. Dr. Tersigni and the team at Tersigni Vision consider all available refractive surgeries to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses each patient’s unique vision requirements, including the potential combination of LASIK, PRK, and RLE.

What is Custom LASIK, and how does it differ from standard LASIK procedures?

Custom LASIK, also known as wavefront-guided LASIK, differs from standard LASIK procedures in its personalized approach to correcting vision. While standard LASIK reshapes the cornea based on general prescription measurements, Custom LASIK uses advanced wavefront technology to create a detailed map of the eye. This allows for a more precise correction of visual imperfections, including unique aberrations specific to each eye. Custom LASIK is particularly effective for patients with complex or unique vision issues. At Tersigni Vision, Dr. Tersigni utilizes this cutting-edge approach to offer tailored vision correction, enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of LASIK surgery.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Wavefront LASIK in Portland: Customized laser vision correction vs. Traditional LASIK

In the pursuit of clear, unaided vision, Wavefront LASIK emerges as a beacon of hope, especially in the hands of a skilled refractive surgeon. At Tersigni Vision, we understand that the journey to perfect vision is unique for each individual. That’s why we embrace the philosophy of “Life-changing LASIK is within your reach!” We offer an array of options, ensuring that every patient receives a treatment tailored to their specific needs. Dr. Tersigni’s expertise in Wavefront LASIK stands as a testament to this commitment, providing a personalized approach that goes beyond traditional LASIK procedures.

Our focus at Tersigni Vision isn’t just about offering advanced technology; it’s about understanding and empathizing with each patient’s vision concerns. We believe in providing clear answers and comprehensive care throughout your journey to better vision. From the initial consultation to the post-operative care, Dr. Tersigni and our team are dedicated to ensuring you feel informed, comfortable, and confident in your decision to choose Wavefront LASIK. In this article, we will delve into how this innovative procedure compares to traditional LASIK, highlighting the benefits of a customized approach to laser vision correction.

How Wavefront LASIK Surgery Differs from Traditional LASIK

When it comes to refining your vision, the difference between Wavefront LASIK and traditional LASIK lies in the level of customization and precision. Traditional LASIK has been a revolutionary step in vision correction, but Wavefront LASIK takes this advancement a step further, especially in the skilled hands of your eye surgeon, Dr. Tersigni at Tersigni Vision.

The core distinction is found in the ablation pattern employed during the surgery. Traditional LASIK utilizes a standard ablation pattern, which, while effective, applies a more general approach to correcting vision. This method has been successful for many, but it doesn’t account for the unique imperfections in each individual’s eyes.

Wavefront LASIK, on the other hand, is akin to tailoring a bespoke suit rather than buying off-the-rack. It starts with a detailed mapping of the eye, using advanced technology to capture and analyze even the most subtle irregularities in the cornea’s shape. These irregularities, often missed by traditional methods, can significantly impact the quality of vision.

Dr. Tersigni leverages this detailed map to customize the laser ablation pattern precisely for your eyes. This individualized approach means that the treatment is specifically tailored to address the unique quirks of your vision. The result is a more accurate correction, potentially enhancing not just the clarity but also the quality of your vision.

In essence, Wavefront LASIK under Dr. Tersigni’s care at Tersigni Vision isn’t just about correcting vision; it’s about fine-tuning it to match your eyes’ unique characteristics. It’s this dedication to personalized care and precision that sets Wavefront LASIK apart from traditional methods and aligns seamlessly with our ethos at Tersigni Vision of providing life-changing vision correction tailored to each individual.

Improved Patient Outcomes in Wavefront vs. Traditional LASIK

At Tersigni Vision, the difference between traditional LASIK to Wavefront LASIK is not just a change in technology, but a leap towards enhanced patient outcomes. Dr. Tersigni’s commitment to leveraging the latest advancements in eye care ensures that LASIK patients receive the best possible results. Here’s how Wavefront LASIK makes a difference:

  • Visual Acuity Improvement – Wavefront LASIK’s advantage begins with its ability to provide better visual outcomes. This stems from the procedure’s use of detailed corneal mapping to guide the laser’s ablation pattern. By tailoring the treatment to the unique topography of each eye, Dr. Tersigni can achieve a level of vision correction that traditional LASIK, with its one-size-fits-all approach, often cannot match.
  • Patient Experience and Comfort – The experience of undergoing Wavefront LASIK, as conducted by Dr. Tersigni and his team, is typically more comfortable for patients. The personalized approach, combined with Dr. Tersigni’s expertise, tends to reduce anxiety, making the procedure smoother and more reassuring.
  • Healing and Recovery – Patients who opt for Wavefront LASIK at Tersigni Vision often report a faster and more comfortable recovery period. This is attributed to the precise, customized treatment which minimizes corneal trauma.
  • Follow-up Treatments – The precision of Wavefront LASIK reduces the likelihood of needing additional enhancement procedures. Dr. Tersigni’s meticulous approach aims to get it right the first time, thereby diminishing the need for follow-up treatments.
  • Contrast Sensitivity – An often-overlooked aspect of vision quality is contrast sensitivity, especially in low-light conditions. Wavefront technology has shown a significant improvement in this area, offering patients clearer and more defined vision under various lighting conditions.
  • Long-term Dependence on Corrective Lenses – There’s a notable trend of reduced dependence on glasses or contacts post-Wavefront LASIK compared to traditional LASIK. This long-term effectiveness aligns perfectly with Tersigni Vision’s goal of providing life-changing vision solutions.
  • Side Effects – The refined approach of Wavefront LASIK generally entails a lower risk of side effects and complications. Dr. Tersigni’s expertise further minimizes these risks, ensuring a safer experience for patients.
  • Patient Satisfaction – Finally, the culmination of all these factors leads to higher rates of patient satisfaction. At Tersigni Vision, the single-procedure success rate of Wavefront LASIK, coupled with Dr. Tersigni’s compassionate care, results in a majority of patients feeling extremely satisfied with their decision and the outcomes.

The transition to Wavefront LASIK at Tersigni Vision, under the guidance of Dr. Tersigni, is more than just a technological upgrade—it’s a commitment to superior patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Different Pre-operative Assessments in Wavefront vs. Traditional LASIK

The journey towards clear vision through LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision begins long before the actual procedure, with a crucial step being the pre-operative assessment. This stage sets the foundation for the entire treatment, and it’s where Wavefront LASIK significantly diverges from traditional LASIK, particularly under Dr. Tersigni’s expertise.

Examination Depth

In traditional LASIK, the pre-operative assessment focuses on the basic parameters of the eye. It’s akin to taking a standard photograph – it captures the essential elements but may miss the finer details. While this can be sufficient for standard corrections, it doesn’t offer a complete picture of the eye’s unique characteristics.

Wavefront LASIK, as practiced at Tersigni Vision, elevates this process. The assessment involves a comprehensive Wavefront analysis, creating an intricate 3D map of the eye. This is comparable to a high-definition, multi-dimensional image that reveals not just the shape and surface of the cornea but also the way light travels through the entire optical system. It uncovers the subtle irregularities and aberrations that are often invisible to traditional assessment methods.

Data Utilization in Surgery Planning

The real magic of Wavefront LASIK lies in how our LASIK surgeon, Dr. Tersigni, uses the data from this detailed analysis. Every eye is unique, and so are its imperfections. Wavefront technology allows Dr. Tersigni to understand these unique characteristics in depth. He then uses this information to tailor the LASIK procedure specifically for each eye, targeting the individual imperfections with unparalleled precision. This customized planning is not just about correcting vision; it’s about optimizing it to match each patient’s unique visual profile.

At Tersigni Vision, the difference in pre-operative assessments is a testament to our commitment to providing personalized, high-quality care. By adopting Wavefront LASIK and its advanced assessment techniques, Dr. Tersigni ensures that each patient receives a vision correction experience that is as unique as their eyes.

Cost Considerations

Cost considerations are an essential aspect of the decision-making process when it comes to LASIK surgery. At Tersigni Vision, we believe in transparent communication about the financial aspects of Wavefront and traditional LASIK to help our patients make informed decisions.

The initial cost of Wavefront LASIK is generally higher compared to traditional LASIK. This difference in cost is attributable to the advanced technology and detailed pre-operative assessments involved in Wavefront LASIK. These sophisticated tools and techniques, which Dr. Tersigni utilizes, are designed to provide a highly customized and precise correction to each patient’s vision. While the upfront cost may be more, the investment in Wavefront LASIK is often balanced by its long-term benefits.

One of the key advantages of Wavefront LASIK is the reduced likelihood of needing additional follow-up treatments. The precision and customization of the procedure mean that patients are more likely to achieve their desired vision correction in a single procedure. This can result in fewer long-term costs, as the need for enhancements or additional corrections is significantly diminished.

On the other hand, traditional LASIK is typically less expensive initially. This affordability makes it an attractive option for many. However, it’s important to consider that traditional LASIK may incur additional costs over time. The potential need for enhancements or corrections due to the less customized nature of the procedure can add to the overall financial commitment.

At Tersigni Vision, we understand that the cost is a crucial factor in your decision. We are committed to providing clear, upfront information about all possible expenses. Our goal is to ensure that you can make a choice that not only suits your vision needs but also aligns with your financial circumstances. Whether you opt for Wavefront or traditional LASIK, Dr. Tersigni and our team are dedicated to offering the highest quality of care and support throughout your vision correction journey.

Your Path to Clarity: Choosing Custom Wavefront LASIK at Tersigni Vision

In the realm of laser vision correction, the choice between traditional and Wavefront LASIK is significant. At Tersigni Vision, our dedication to providing life-changing LASIK experiences is deeply rooted in our commitment to customized care. This is why we proudly offer Custom Wavefront LASIK, a procedure that embodies our ethos of personalized treatment and excellence.

Custom Wavefront LASIK stands out for its precision and personalization. Dr. Tersigni, with his expertise and compassionate approach, utilizes advanced Wavefront technology to map your eyes in intricate detail. This allows us to tailor the LASIK procedure to the unique contours and characteristics of your eyes. The result is not just improved vision, but a vision that is optimized for you.

Choosing Wavefront LASIK at Tersigni Vision means investing in a procedure that prioritizes long-term satisfaction and minimizes the need for future corrections. The initial investment in this advanced technology is balanced by its efficiency and the reduced likelihood of additional treatments down the line.

We invite you to experience the Tersigni Vision difference. Embrace a future of clear vision, where each treatment is as unique as the eyes it corrects. Whether you’re considering LASIK for the first time or seeking an enhancement to previous treatments, Dr. Tersigni and our team are here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact Tersigni Vision today to schedule a consultation and discover how Custom Wavefront LASIK can transform your vision and your life. It’s more than just a procedure; it’s a step towards a clearer, brighter future tailored specifically for you.

Come see what you’re missing.

More FAQ’s About Wavefront LASIK in Portland

What are the differences between bladeless LASIK and traditional LASIK eye surgery, and how does Dr. Tersigni at Tersigni Vision utilize these advanced technologies?

Bladeless LASIK, as offered at Tersigni Vision in the Pacific Northwest, uses a femtosecond laser to create the corneal flap, instead of a blade used in traditional LASIK. This advanced laser technology provides a higher level of precision and safety. Dr. Tersigni employs these refractive surgery methods to ensure the best outcomes for LASIK patients in Portland and Vancouver, WA.

How does 3D mapping enhance the accuracy of LASIK eye surgery at Tersigni Vision?

3D mapping is crucial in custom LASIK procedures. At Tersigni Vision, we use this advanced technology for detailed analysis of the eye’s surface, allowing Dr. Tersigni to tailor the laser surgery specifically to each individual’s eye structure. This leads to better precision and improved outcomes for our patients.

Is there a self-test available to determine if I’m a candidate for custom LASIK at Tersigni Vision?

Tersigni Vision provides a self-test on our website to help you understand if you might be a good candidate for custom LASIK. However, we recommend scheduling a comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Tersigni for a definitive assessment.

Will I still need to wear glasses after getting LASIK eye surgery?

Many LASIK patients experience significant improvements in their vision and can reduce or eliminate their dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, outcomes can vary based on individual factors. Dr. Tersigni at Tersigni Vision will discuss your specific situation during your consultation.

What are some common questions about LASIK, and how does LASIK in Portland at Tersigni Vision address them?

Common questions about LASIK include concerns about surgery cost, recovery time, and effectiveness for common vision problems. At Tersigni Vision, we address these questions with detailed information on our website and during personalized LASIK consultations.

How does the LASIK eye surgery cost compare at Tersigni Vision in Portland?

LASIK eye surgery cost varies depending on the specific technology and approach used. At Tersigni Vision, we offer competitive pricing for our advanced LASIK procedures, including customized treatments with the latest Wavefront optimized LASIK technologies.

How does Wavefront optimized LASIK improve vision compared to traditional LASIK eye surgery?

Wavefront optimized LASIK at Tersigni Vision employs advanced technologies to create a detailed map of the eye, addressing higher-order aberrations that traditional LASIK might miss. This leads to sharper, more accurate vision correction, especially in patients with complex vision problems.

What advanced LASIK technologies are used at Tersigni Vision in Portland?

Dr. Tersigni at Tersigni Vision uses the latest in advanced LASIK technologies, including the Alcon EX500 excimer laser as well as wavefront devices, to provide customized, precise treatments for each patient. These technologies help in effectively treating a range of refractive errors.

Is there a self-test available to check if I am suitable for LASIK in Portland, specifically at Tersigni Vision?

Yes, Tersigni Vision in Portland offers a self-test on our website to help potential candidates determine their suitability for LASIK. However, this is just a preliminary step. We recommend a comprehensive eye examination with Dr. Tersigni for an accurate medical diagnosis and to discuss customized LASIK treatments.

How does the LASIK cost in Portland compare at different LASIK centers, including Tersigni Vision?

The cost of LASIK in Portland can vary among different LASIK centers. At Tersigni Vision, we offer competitive pricing for our customized LASIK treatments, incorporating advanced laser vision correction technologies. The final cost depends on the specific needs of the patient and the complexity of their vision correction.

What makes Portland LASIK at Tersigni Vision unique, especially for treating nearsightedness and farsightedness?

Portland LASIK at Tersigni Vision is unique due to our use of advanced LASIK technology and customized treatment plans. We treat a range of refractive errors, including nearsightedness and farsightedness, using state-of-the-art laser equipment and personalized approaches to suit each individual’s visual perception and eye structure.

Can routine eye examinations at Tersigni Vision detect if I’m a candidate for LASIK?

Yes, routine eye examinations at Tersigni Vision are thorough and can help determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK. Our eye examinations assess various factors, including the presence of astigmatism, near-sightedness, or far-sightedness, and the overall health of your eyes.

What technologies are used at Tersigni Vision’s laser eye surgery center in Portland, Oregon?

Tersigni Vision’s laser eye surgery center in Portland uses advanced technologies like the latest LASIK laser and Wavefront guided LASIK systems. These technologies offer precision and customization, improving outcomes for patients with common refractive errors or more complex vision problems like higher-order aberrations.

How does Tersigni Vision, a renowned eye surgery center in Oregon, handle common concerns like dry eye syndrome post-LASIK?

At Tersigni Vision, addressing and managing dry eye syndrome is an integral part of our LASIK treatments. Our comprehensive approach includes pre-surgery assessment and post-operative care to minimize dry eye complications, ensuring optimal comfort and vision correction results for our patients.

Does Tersigni Vision offer monovision LASIK for patients with presbyopia?

Yes, Tersigni Vision offers monovision LASIK, a specialized technique to correct presbyopia. This procedure is tailored for patients who wish to reduce their dependence on reading glasses, providing a customized solution for their unique vision needs.

In what ways does Tersigni Vision adhere to the guidelines set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for LASIK surgery?

Tersigni Vision strictly adheres to the FDA guidelines for all refractive surgeries, including LASIK. We ensure that all equipment, procedures, and LASIK technologies meet the highest standards of safety and effectiveness as set by the FDA. Our commitment to these standards is paramount in delivering the best care to our patients in Portland and the Pacific Northwest.

How does Tersigni Vision handle more complex vision problems like astigmatism or aberrations of the eye?

Complex vision problems like astigmatism or aberrations of the eye require precise and customized treatment. At Tersigni Vision, we utilize advanced LASIK technology and Wavefront-guided systems to accurately map the eye and tailor the laser treatment to each individual’s specific refractive error and eye structure. This approach helps in effectively correcting these complex issues, enhancing night vision and overall visual acuity.

What post-operative care does Tersigni Vision provide to ensure optimal outcomes from LASIK surgery?

Post-operative care at Tersigni Vision includes detailed follow-up appointments, personalized advice on eye care, and management of any potential side effects like dry eye syndrome. Our team ensures that each patient receives comprehensive support and guidance throughout their recovery process, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.


Eye Makeup After LASIK

Undergoing LASIK surgery at Tersigni Vision is a transformative experience, offering you the clarity of vision you’ve longed for. However, ...